On October 11th, 2014, Teen Drivers spent 2.5
hours learning effective tips to staying safe while driving. Though Toyota
vehicles are equipped with the most advanced safety technology, we understand
that these advances are only effective if the driver is well mannered behind
the wheel. In an effort to encourage great habits behind the wheel, Toyota has
invested tremendous resources to create the TeenDrive365 initiative.
DCH Toyota City was thrilled to host this week’s Teen Safe
Driving Clinic. Teens from across Westchester County New York were invited to
attend one of two sessions with a parent. The day was filled with classroom
style tutorials, an interactive state-of-the art driving simulator, breakout
sessions and a scavenger hunt.
Toyota’s TeenDrive365 website has plenty of safe driving resources
and tips for both parents and teens. Don’t forget to take the Parent/Teen
Safety Challenge quiz and let us know your score.
$100 movie packs were distributed to two luck winners, have
fun and drive safely. Don’t forget to set your mirrors the right way… after all,
you already know the color of your car (wink).